Max Whitteron Reflective Garden
This garden is dedicated to the memory of
1946 ~ 2003
Max Whitteron became a part of our community in 1981 and worked as Shire Engineering with the Cootamundra Shire Council.
In 2002 Max retired as the Director, Engineering Services, having made many significant contributions to our environment.
Over his years in Cootamundra, Max gave enormous amounts of his own time to Council projects and community organisations.
He especially loved the parks and gardens of Cootamundra Shire and carried out his responsibilities with great dedication.
Max truly loved Cootamundra and the people that made his town home.
Tragically, Max died on 7 May 2003 and is greatly missed by all who knew him.
Public Amenities
Click the following links for more information and locations of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council’s Public Amenities
Public Toilet Locations – Gundagai
Coles Express
Location: Cnr Hume Highway and Sheahan Drive
Carberry Park
Location: Otway Street.
Open 24 hours
Yarri Park
Location: Landon Street.
Open 24 hours
Coles Express South Gundagai
Cnr Mount Street and Middle Street
To see these toilet locations on one map, click here
Public Toilet Locations – Cootamundra
Cootamundra has many toilets available to the general public.
- Airport toilet is located at the side of the terminal building at the airport.
- Albert Park Hovell Street is located between Bourke Street and Adams Street on Hovell Street side of the park.
- Albert Park Thompson Street is located between Burke Street and Adams Street on Thompson Street side of the park.
- Apex Park is located on the corner of Sutton Street and Hurley Street.
- Bradman Oval toilet is located on the corner of Cutler Avenue and Northcott Avenue
- Country Club toilets are located on Hurley Street between Poole Street and Hemet C
- Fisher Park toilets are located on Bourke Street between Murray Street and Poole
Street (opposite the pool)
- Jubilee Park toilets are located on Wallendoon Street between Murray Street and Olney Street
- Kingston Park toilets are located on Gundagai Road between Victoria Parade and Warren Street
- Mitchell Park toilets are Located on Francis Street between Thompson Street and Centenary Avenue
- Nicholson Park toilets are located in Nicholson Park behind the town tennis courts.
- Wallendoon Street toilets are located in Wallendoon Street between Cooper St and Parker Street
The following link with give you a map of the location of all the public toilets in Cootamundra
Public Dump Points
Gundagai’s site is adjacent to the historic Gundagai Railway Station. Drive down Sheridan Street towards the monument, and the end of Sheridan Street, veer slightly left onto Railway Parade (shown as Rusconi Place on the below map) and travel approximately 500m. The dump point is in the middle of the car park, on the station side of the grass mound.
Cootamundra’s site is a free public dump point located in Apex Park, on the corner of Hurley Street and the Olympic Highway. Turn east off the Olympic Highway in Cootamundra, immediately south of the Muttama Creek bridge onto Hurley Street. Apex Park is immediately on the left and the dump point is next to the toilet.
RV Stop Over Areas
Gundagai has two RV friendly stop over areas. Both are situated along side Morleys Creek.
- Pope Street (Top Photo) – Follow Sheridan Street onto Ovid Street, then Pope Street. The RV parking is on your right. View Larger Map
- O I Bell Drive (Bottom Photo) – Turn off Homer Street onto O I Bell Drive, there is a dirt track on the left. Parking is about 15m from the start of the dirt road. View Larger Map
Both zones are RV medium term stop overs.

Dog on the Tuckerbox
Located off the Hume Hwy about 10km’s North of Gundagai the Dog on the Tuckerbox site welcomes visitors within the garden precinct featuring Australian animal figurines, a cafe serving hot and cold refreshments, souvenirs, Australiana and old wares, and a peaceful picnic area away from the busy highway, with plenty of parking (caravans and tourist buses included). Special events benefitting a range of charities are held throughout the year, culminating in the Dog’s Birthday each November.
Visit their Facebook page
Also whilst your visiting check out the Dog on the Tuckerbox Recreation Trail
Phone: 02 6944 0200
Dog on the Tuckerbox
Gundagai New South Wales 2722
Cootamundra Aerodrome
Event Application Template
Avgas Bowser
The Avgas Bowser at Cootamundra is self-service and is accessible 24 hours seven days per week.
The bowser accepts our own Aero Refuellers carnet cards and also Visa and MasterCard, both debit and credit cards.
Customers who have a discount must use their “Carnet Card” to take advantage of those discounts. We cannot pass a discount to credit card users as we have no way of identifying them.
Our preference is that customers use a credit card to reduce processing. However, if a person or company believes they qualify for a discount they should contact 02 6041 1599. If anyone just wants an Aero Refuellers card for Cootamundra and any of our other 10 locations they should contact Brendan in our office to set up an account and a card will be issued from there.
All new account holders will have to be prepared to go on direct debit with us.
Avgas is for ‘piston powered’ aircraft only.