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Development Applications on Public Exhibition

Proposed Aquaculture Facility for Breeding and Raring Fish – Development Application for public exhibition:

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council is in receipt of a development application and accompanying documentation for the following development. DA No: 2025/12 (PAN-507093),

Land Description: Lot 6 DP841293 – 376 Reno Road Reno 2722.

Applicant: Martin Crossley on behalf of the development application.

Consent Authority: Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council.

Description of Development: Proposed aquaculture facility for breeding and raring fish.

The development application and accompanying documentation are available for public inspection on the NSW Planning Portal DA Exhibition website between Monday 3 March 2025 and Friday 4 April 2025. Any person may inspect the application documents and submissions can be made on the NSW Planning Portal website or otherwise make a written submission to Council quoting Council’s file reference, DA No. 2025/12 until 5pm on Friday 04th April 2025. All correspondence to Council should be addressed to the General Manager-Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council and the above DA Reference number must be included on such correspondence. If a submission is made by way of objection, the reasons for the objection must be outlined in the submission.

It should be noted that information included in submissions received regarding the proposal may be used in public reports and can be accessed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA), 2009.

Section 10.4 of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act, 1979 and the Local Government and the Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act, 2008 requires the disclosure of any reportable political donations or gifts by a person or persons who makes a relevant planning application to Council or submission on a relevant planning application to Council.

For more information please click on the link below:

Proposed aquaculture facility for breeding and raring fish | Planning Portal – Department of Planning and Environment

Cootamundra Airport Subdivision:

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council is in receipt of a development application and accompanying documentation for the following development.

DA No:                                  2025/010

Land Description:            Lot: 3 DP: 1243629 – Quinlan Drive Cootamundra

Applicant:                           Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council

Description of Development:  Four (4) lot subdivision, including the creation of 3 x 1200m2 hangar lots and a 90.81ha residual airport lot at Cootamundra Airport

The development application and accompanying documentation together with a copy of Council’s Conflict of Interest Management Strategy are available for public inspection, at the Cootamundra Council Administration Office or on Council’s website: for a period 28 days, between 13 February 2025 and 12 March 2025.

Any person may inspect the development application and documentation and make a written submission on the proposal quoting Council’s file reference, DA No. 2025/010 until 5pm on Wednesday 12 March 2025.  All correspondence should be addressed to the General Manager of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council and the above DA Reference number shall be included on such correspondence.

If a submission is made by way of objection, the reasons for the objection must be outlined in the submission.

It should be noted that information included in submissions received regarding the proposal may be used in public reports and can be accessed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA), 2009.

Section 10.4 of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act, 1979 and the Local Government and the Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act, 2008 requires the disclosure of any reportable political donations or gifts by a person or persons who makes a relevant planning application to Council or submission on a relevant planning application to Council.

100. DA form_1738819972_PAN-506528

102. Part site plan – Aerodrom_Stage 1_Plan View_Rev02_PAN-506528

101. Whole of site subdivision plan

103. Engineering plans- preliminary

104. SEE

105. Estimate Aerodrome Subdivision Quinlan Drive_PAN-506528

200. Conflict management statement


To view all current Development Applications on exhibition please click on this link:

DA Exhibitions | Planning Portal – Department of Planning and Environment

Navigating the Planning Portal – To view current Development Applications click on DA Status – On exhibition. Click on Local Government Area – Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council. All current DA’s will be displayed.
