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Request for notices to be sent by email

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council can send Land Rates and Charges Notices, Installment Notices and Water & Sewer Notices by email. Overdue notices will NOT be sent by email so ratepayers need to ensure Council still have your current mailing (postal) address.
In the case of ownership of multiple properties, a separate form must be submitted for each property for which notices are to be emailed.
This request for notices to be emailed may only be completed by the property owner.

Email Rates Request

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  • Council will no longer post paper Rates and Charges Notices, Installment Notices or Water & Sewer Notices (“notices”) to you, or any person to whom paper notices for the nominated rate assessment(s) were previously sent. You must advise any other person to whom paper rate notices are currently being sent that they will no longer receive paper notices as a result of your request. Council will not be responsible for providing this notification.
  • All future notices will be in the form of a PDF attachment to an email sent to the email address nominated by you. You are responsible for keeping your email address up-to-date. If you change your email address you must advise Council in writing.
  • You agree that you are deemed to have received the email when it reaches your internet service provider, whether or not you have opened or read the email.
  • You must regularly check your nominated email address for notices.
  • You agree that you will retain the notice yourself electronically or by printing it. Copies of notices will be made available upon payment of the applicable fee.
  • You can withdraw your request for email delivery of notices at any time by writing to Council. Your withdrawal request may be emailed, posted or faxed and MUST include an up-to-date forwarding mail address. Upon withdrawal or cancellation of the email delivery service, Council will commence sending paper notices to the last advised mailing (postal) address for the rates assessment.
  • If Council receives a ‘bounce-back’ notification from your email address, a paper rate notice will be sent to your last advised mailing (postal) address for the rate assessment. If two or more consecutive bounce-backs occur, Council may cancel the request for email delivery of notices for that rate assessment. An “out of office” notification will not be considered a bounce-back notification. Your instruction to change an email address through an “out of office” or similar notification will not be sufficient to have advised Council in writing of the change to email address.