Council Meetings are held at 6pm on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month (except for December, which is held on the second Tuesday), alternating between the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre in Cooper Street, Cootamundra and at the Council Chambers, 255 Sheridan Street, Gundagai.
Meeting Schedule available here: Council Meeting Dates 2024, Council Meeting Dates 2025
Meeting Business Papers and Minutes are available here: Business Papers and Minutes
Members of the general public are invited to attend Council meetings and, with the prior approval of the Chair, may address Council in the Public Forum Session on specific topics listed on the current Council meeting agenda. People wishing to address Council are asked to submit a Speaker Registration Form in advance of the meeting. Approved speakers should arrive by 6pm at the applicable location of the meeting, as per the schedule.
Council meetings are to be conducted in accordance with the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Code of Meeting Practice.
Amongst other things, the Code specifies that no more than two (2) speakers are permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ any item of business on the agenda. If there are more than two (2) speakers proposed on any one topic a process will need to be applied to ensure proceeding are orderly.