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The State Library of NSW will make a visit to Cootamundra and Gundagai Libraries in May as part of the State Library Assessment Program.

The State Library administers annual funding to public libraries on behalf of the NSW State Government. Total funding approved for the 2024/25 financial year was over $41million. This year Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council was awarded $96,675 in library subsidies.

The State Library assessment visit to the Cootamundra and Gundagai Libraries will note areas of good practice and services which are supported by the State Library grants and subsidies. The assessment team will make recommendations for future library developments and assist with the exploration of future opportunities. The assessment is a valuable source of ongoing information about public library needs, operations and to advise Council and the Minister on public library matters.

Mayor McAlister said these assessments are constructive for both library staff, and patrons.

“Our staff do a wonderful job in our libraries; the library has become more than a place to borrow books. They are the hub for all types and mediums of information, learning and social interaction. Reading is now just a very small part of what goes on in our local libraries. Visits from the State Library not only showcase how good our libraries are, but they also assist our staff with new innovations, programs and operational support,” Councillor McAlister said.

The State Library works with all NSW council’s providing funding, advisory services, collection and systems support.

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Mayor Abb McAlister is a regular visitor to local libraries, often involved in children’s Storytime. He said the visit to Cootamundra and Gundagai Libraries by the State Library was a great opportunity for staff to investigate new opportunities and innovations in library use.