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Slow Down Around Horses

The Slow Down around Horses campaign is one we are proud to promote within the LGA.

We do see a lot of horses and their riders travelling on our roads and also within the streets, the clear message to motorists is to be aware of horses and riders.

We urge motorists to slow down if they are passing a horse, and allow plenty of room when you are overtaking. We all know that horses and other animals can be unpredictable. They can react to load noises so we ask motorists to refrain from blowing their horns even if you know the rider. Don’t rev up the engine that can scare the horse and have devastating effects if the rider is thrown.

We have run this campaign in the past, and had good feedback from the horse riders.

These campaigns are designed to make people aware of simple messages and think about how they react when horses and indeed other animals are encountered on our roadsides and streets.

Colouring Competition October/November 2024.

Children across the LGA aged between 3 & 12 years are encouraged to enter the Slow Down Around Horses colouring competition. Great prizes to be won. Entries closed 5pm 25 November 2024 and can be collected from Administration offices, Libraries or downloaded here: 2024 Horse Colouring Competition

Drop completed entries to Administration offices, post them to PO Box 420 Cootamundra 2590 or email them to (mark Colouring Comp in subject line).