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The roar and rumble of 25 motorcycles saw the launch of Motorcycle Awareness Month as bikes of all shapes and sizes assembled outside the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) offices on Tuesday morning.

Riders were offered safety advice and free giveaways, mark the beginning of the month-long campaign that brings the motorcycling community together to highlight and promote motorcycle awareness and safety.

The 25 riders and interested onlookers enjoyed a sausage sizzle supplied by CGRC and were able to network and meet others who are able to take the message of motorcycle awareness to motorists. Awareness among riders about risks, awareness of how best to prepare for a ride and, making other road users aware that the number of bikes on the roads.  Motorcycle Awareness Month aims to emphasise the bonds riders share.

John Simpfendorfer, member of the Cootamundra Antique Motor Club said the morning was well represented and a worthwhile exercise for Council to host.

“If an event like this can save just one life, then its worth it. Coming together and having the opportunity to gather a heap of bikes together makes a lot of sense when we are trying to promote motorcycle awareness. Most people enjoy seeing a rally of bikes parked on the street and want to have a look them. If that makes people think about bikes and look twice before pulling out, then we’ve done the job,” Mr Simpledorfer said.

Tex Quigg arrived on his impressive Harley Davidson with information from the Black Dog Ride and was able to take away some resources to use at other gatherings he attends.

“This was a great turnout, and I’d like to thank Council for hosting it. We all need to be aware, and we all need to talk to each other, this event has had a twofold effect. I’ve been able to make contacts that will assist with getting the Black Dog Ride message out, and I in turn can promote motorcycle awareness to others at events I attend,” Mr Quigg said.

Motorcyclists from Cootamundra, Young, Jugiong, Harden and other centres spent the morning chatting to onlookers and inspecting the array of motorcycles.

CGRC will be promoting Motorcycle Awareness throughout October.

Photo and caption:

25 motorcycles assembled at the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Administration offices on Tuesday to launch Motorcycle Awareness Month.
