The iconic fishpond in Max Whitteron Gardens, adjacent to the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) Administration offices and the Cootamundra War Memorial Library attracts a number of visitors each week. From youngsters marvelling at the fish, large and small, to older residents watching the gentle and soothing movements, the fishpond is a haven in the hustle and bustle of activities between the two busy buildings. The gardens also provide a retreat for many who have lunch at the picnic tables, and watch the fish, some that have been in the pond for years.
Frustratingly for the CGRC Parks & Gardens team, the fishpond also gets some dubious visitors. Those who are intent on damaging the pond and killing the fish.
CGRC Operations Supervisor, Mr Stuart Moorby said he was dismayed that a certain element of people within our community think it’s funny to cause harm to a facility that brings so much joy.
“We can hear the little ones, screaming with delight when they feed the fish, and we have several elderly people who just like to sit and watch the fish. This pond has provided endless hours of enjoyment to so many. The disappointment we all feel is that a small number of irresponsible people could ruin it for all if their continued vandalism and cruelty continues,” Mr Moorby said.
Recently young people have been caught throwing stones at the fish, a large plank of wood and other debris was deliberately hurled into the pond. CCTV cameras have been installed and all offenders have been identified.
“As a team responsible for ensuring our green spaces provide sanctuary and enjoyment for all, we ask why? Why would people want to harm defenceless fish,” Mr Moorby added.
Visitors can report acts of vandalism to Council on 1300 459 689 7 days a week. This number is diverted to emergency on call teams out of hours. Or call the local police on 69420099.
Picture and caption:
The fishpond in Max Whitteron Gardens has been subject to mindless acts of vandalism, residents can call 1300 459 689 to report malicious damage.