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A colouring competition has drawn over 60 entries from across the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) region. The competition encouraged local children to get creative and bring awareness to the responsibilities associated with keeping companion animal.

The competition an initiative of Cootamundra’s Ranger, saw the cat and dog pictures distributed to schools, libraries and were available at Council offices. The colourful entries were displayed in council buildings and judging of the entries was conducted by CGRC Mayor Charlie Sheahan. Prizes included creative projects and ribbons for the children to continue their artistic works.

The winning entries:

Under 5’s                                                                 6 and 7 years old

1St – Ally Ingold                                                            1st Henry Manwaring

2nd Liam Young                                                            2nd Charlie Hardie

8 and 9 years old                                                10 and over

1st Adelaide Collier                                                     Marli McAtear

2nd Jensen Lienesch                                                   Karlie Johnston

Along with the 1st and 2nd place prize winners, 20 highly commended ribbons were also awarded.

Mayor Sheahan said the number of entries received and the calibre of the children’s creativity was inspirational.

“We certainly have some very imaginative kids, and their participation was wonderful, the keeping of companion animals is a big responsibility and these initiatives reinforce those responsibilities to our younger generation. It was a difficult job judging the winners, as all entries in my book were winners. I’d like to personally thank all who were involved in this project I hope we see more like it,” Cr Sheahan said.

CGRC will be continuing with getting children involved with a colouring competition to be launched soon celebrating NAIDOC Week 2024. More details on this will be coming soon.

Pictures and caption:

  1. A difficult task, Mayor Sheahan judging the Companion Animal Colouring Competition.
  2. Winners on display, winning entries in the Companion Animal Colouring Competition will be on display at the Cootamundra Council Administration Centre for the next few weeks.
  3.  Pictures of entries.