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Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) has received information for the Australian Livestock Markets Association (ALMA), in relation to the COVID-19 protocols and COVID safe plans for workplaces.

ALMA’s information includes the NATIONAL SALEYARD PROTOCOLS moving to Stage 2. Whilst ALMA do not yet recommend full public access at saleyards, what Stage 2 does mean is that in addition to essential saleyard workers, agents, genuine buyers and transporters that the following parties can now attend (provided that social distancing requirements of 1.5m are maintained):

  • MLA Livestock Market Officers
  • At the discretion of the saleyard operator media reporters including their camera/video operators may attend for the purpose of reporting on and promoting saleyard operations and importantly
  • Vendors with livestock in the yarding (noting first preference admission for essential attendees and vendors allowed to attend if allowable within the social distancing requirements)
  • EUCAS, NSQA and other relevant auditors.


It is hoped that implementation of Stage 2 will allow saleyards operational flexibility for their specific onsite infrastructure and clientele.


Future National Saleyard Protocols stages along with minimum onsite conditions can be found by visiting: