Member of Cootamundra Steph Cooke MP was in Cootamundra on Friday morning to officially open the newly renovated Cootamundra War Memorial Library.
The refurbishment included, new carpet, painting, lighting, new computer desks and circulation desk and new computers for public use and was made possible with grant funding from the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Special guests included Local Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) Deputy Mayor Ros Wight and some of the newly elected CGRC councillors. Karen Wendt Manager of RRL and Zac Armistead, Digital and Engagement coordinator at RRL and a big contingent of valued library patrons.
CGRC Librarian Penny Howse thanked contractors, library, and council staff for their efforts during the renovation work. The library was able operate during the process, due to the dedications and hard work of many and was testament to the popularity of the library, the space and the services offered.
Ms Howse said, “As most of you will be aware Cootamundra is part of the Riverina Regional Library network, with 19 branch libraries in total, branches including Temora, Mulwala and most recently Berrigan Shire have joined us. Cootamundra have the second most members per population percentage (3180), During the past year we also had over 30,000 items go out on loan and close to 47,000 library visits.
Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke said that libraries play such an important role in the fabric of our communities and urged those in attendance to keep up the pressure on the government in seeking funding for community infrastructure projects.
A crowd of over 50 people attended the opening and enjoyed a before and after presentation along with cake and refreshments.
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The cutting of the cake proved popular at the official opening of the Cootamundra Library renovations on Friday. Pictured left to right: CGRC Councillor Gil Kelly, Manager of the Riverina Regional library Karen Wendt, Cootamundra Library staff member Rochelle Nichols, Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke, Cootamundra Library manager Penny Howse, CGRC deputy mayor Ros Wight and library staff member Ellen Hazlett.