From 1 July 2023, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), rate payers will have access to Rate and Water and Sewer Notices via an online portal.
Ratepayers can register to have these notices delivered via their email address and/or access have access to them through the new online portal.
The paperless approach, will allow rate payers an accelerated billing process, giving customers the ability to examine their bills online before making a payment and saving them the cost of reprints.
Paperless statements are helpful for the environment by reducing the amount of paper used. Customers will be able to download the notices, save them to their computer or external drive and access them later when needed.
CGRC acknowledges that this new process isn’t for everyone, Rates Notices, Water & Sewer Notices will continue to be delivered by Australia Post mail to those who don’t opt in for email delivery or access via the portal.
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From 1 July 2023 CGRC rate payers will be able to access Rate & Water Notices online.