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Residents are invited to participate in the Cycleway Survey now online via the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council’s website and Facebook page.

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) is currently developing a 10-year Cycleways Plan to align with Council’s key principles and objectives identified in the 2022 Community Strategic Plan in achieving pathway network infrastructure and maintenance that respects community expectations and needs. 

The Plan is intended to provide the framework for developing cycleway routes that are intuitive and comfortable to use, separated from motor vehicles and pedestrians where needed, and designed to connect communities with important destinations across the region.

The survey will determine where the community wants to see destinations that can be accessed by cycleways. What roads are most popular with cyclists and priority destinations identified by cyclists that need to be accessed.

The survey will assist with education needs across the Local Government Region (LGA), as identified by survey participants.

Paper copies of the survey are also available at Council’s Administration Centres in Cootamundra and Gundagai.

To access the survey please follow this link:

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CGRC are calling for all cyclists to participate in a survey to assist with future planning.