Work will commence on Stage One of the masterplan for Cootamundra’s Jubilee Park. Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke announced a $2 million grant from the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program in July.
The NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program is part of ongoing work to protect the health of the community, provide economic and jobs stimulus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and deliver a legacy of safe, quality public and open space.
Stage One consists of native garden beds, and a decomposed granite pathway be installed on the area running down alongside the Caravan Park. Local landscape designer Jeremy Pearce for Arcscapes has been awarded the contract for stage one.
Community workshops and public comments were held in June 2020. The ideas raised assisted with the concept for the masterplan.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) mayor Cr Abb McAlister said he was pleased the work would soon be commencing.
“This is a great project, further enhancing the facilities at Jubilee Park, it will be a wonderful area for residents and visitors to enjoy,” Cr McAlister said.
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The masterplan for Cootamundra’s Jubilee Park, work commences on Stage One within the next few weeks.